Precious, the Tweeting Bike from Noodle on Vimeo.

Gadgets Transamerica Video

Precious Tweets

August 29, 2010

We interrupt our regular bloggish for a quick video that I’ve been meaning to make for a while. I’ve poked around a little on sites to see how people are reacting to Precious being an auto-tweeting awesome bike. I notice that there seems to be a little confusion around certain things, and I think some folks are over-thinking it.

Then I saw a comment on Precious’s Twitter – from someone I also follow – saying that they didn’t believe his tweets were automatic. It upset me a little. I’ve since decided I don’t care what people think. It’s much easier to be a critic than a creator so I’ll leave people to it, but I wanted to make a layman’s video to show a little of what’s going on for anyone who might be interested in what’s actually going on.

I’ve also reset my LIVESTRONG goal to a very ambitious $5 per mile of the 4,262 route. That makes it now $21,310. Can’t wait to see how close I can get. šŸ™‚ Thank you to everyone who helped me reach my initial goal. You rock the Casbah.

Now, about today’s blog. Ugh. I’m still writing it right now but I need to beddikins soon as tomorrow has the potential to be a GIANT day. So…much as I want to, I might not finish it. The reason is simple: I need to continue to push on to stay on a schedule that won’t see me freeze in the Rockies. Just know that they will be released as they are done, and the next couple should be a smidge shorter. I think. Maybe.

Ride on!

  1. Reply

    Kentucky joe

    August 30, 2010

    Very very cool. I assumed precious tweets were manual. Love all the stories and photos.

  2. Reply


    August 30, 2010

    I, too, thought all the tweets were manual so now I’m doubly impressed. In fact, you and Precious = my new heros and inspiration!

  3. Reply


    August 30, 2010

    Great piece. Answered some lingering questions and raised a few more. Safe travels….

  4. Reply

    Nurse Betsy

    August 30, 2010

    Love the peak into Precious’s brain. Loving the new Goal too. keep on going Noodle!

  5. Reply


    August 31, 2010

    It’s all magic to me. The bike, the brain, the noodleator, the mission. Janeen & Precious, thank you for letting us peek in on your phenomenal journey. RideSTRONG!!

  6. Reply

    Henrik Wist

    August 31, 2010

    Janeen, I cannot believe people complain about Precious tweets or the way it’s implemented. This bike is pure awesomeness and I love following both of you! Ride on and live strong!

  7. Reply

    Kris R

    August 31, 2010

    I’m a little surprised people thought this was manual, especially with the video on The button on the handlebar confused me a little, as it seemed like you’d either need an interface to know which message to send (e.g. “more dogs chasing me”) or it just reached into a pool of messages – I guess I know which one it is now. The other thing that surprised me was you saving historical data for the website – that you could move the slider left and right, and it would show where you were for that particular day.

    My original thoughts on the bike still stands: the only way it could possibly be better is if the bike took photos along the way and uploaded them automatically. You’ve done a great job, this is a great design and implementation, and all those haters can suck balls.

    Keep on truckin’ either way, and I hope to see you on the other side.

  8. Reply


    August 31, 2010

    I’m with you, who cares what they think! You are doing a fantastic thing for a great cause. My guess is they are jealous. Off with their heads!
    The Kansas wind in this part of the state really bites today, I hope it is being kinder to you.
    Keep up the good work, congrats on reaching your initial goal and setting a new one.
    P.S. The more I read your blogs I think we are a lot a like. Maybe someday our bikes will cross paths and we can sit down over a cold beer! Michelle

  9. Reply

    Jacque Hendrix

    August 31, 2010

    It makes the geek in my happy.

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    August 31, 2010

    Any scarecrows along the way through Kansas yet ? It will be interesting to hear how Precious reacts to one. Video shows the trapdoor to Precious’ brain, WOW, you both have one !
    This is one fantastic journey. I check everyday, you & Precious (even Mr Zimmerman) are doing GREAT.

  11. Reply

    June S

    August 31, 2010

    Nice video! Nice to see how it all works! You are awesome and doing an awesome thing. I check on you everyday and can’t wait for the blog posts!!

  12. Reply

    Adventure Nell

    August 31, 2010

    Love the site, love the bike and love the tweets. Keep on going strong!

  13. Reply

    Eric L

    August 31, 2010

    Oh that’s just cool on toast! I could watch Precious’ pedals turn all day with my eye glued to your speedometer.

    Janeen and Precious, you’re more exciting than the Vuelta. Great prose, great photos.

    BIG congrats on the Fatty prize. Happy spree!

  14. Reply


    August 31, 2010

    Noodle, I’m loving your blog and your adventure! Good luck on the next leg of your trip, and thank you for taking time to chronicle everything so we can, metaphorically at least, ride along.

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    August 31, 2010

    Go Precious!

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    September 1, 2010

    Interesting about the tweets. So you had to dream up all those pithy and pertinent remarks in advance of the trip and get them programmed into his brain – wow! very clever.

    BTW, his GPS seems to be a bit off. Your and his tweets indicate you are in Kansas, but the location ball has been in Oklahoma for several days now.

  17. Reply

    chelsea kent

    September 2, 2010

    This project is amazing. Your goal, cause and the wonderful work Breakfast. It is a insanely creative and inspiring website and anyone critiquing the details, simply put is just jealous they didn’t think of it first.

  18. Reply


    September 7, 2010

    It’s a great use of technology. I love it! Give a bike a brain and it can rule the world…with a little help from its rider. šŸ˜‰

  19. Reply


    September 13, 2010

    A bike brain is awesome. And your tan lines are hot.


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