Kickstart my heart
Today, I launched my first ever Kickstarter project. Kind of exciting. Will it be successful? Will it actually help me write my book if it is successful? (I’m definitely compelled to write if I know people are waiting on stuff!) Will people just laugh at my craziness and how I think Precious is a real live boy?
Time will tell. Ninety days of time, in fact. That’s how long I have to raise the funds. Check out the project description to see how I plan to use the money.
I tried to keep all the rewards kind of small, hoping that the little ones will help offset the printy ones, so I hope people find something interesting and will participate in the project. If it doesn’t get funded, I’m still going to write the book, but it’ll probably take longer to do it. I’m an Olympic-level procrastinator!
Every little bit counts, and I’d actually love if some people picked some of the participatory ones that still come with the digital version of the book. The little ones give me stuff to do on the trip!
Read about the project and back it here
Hi! I watched your precious Kickstart video and wish you super luck! Long slow bike rides are where it’s at. I thought I would point you to my friend Brian’s blog. He just did a trans-America last summer and blogged it pretty faithfully, with great photos. I’ve toured a little, too. You’ll have a blast!
Thanks Caroline! Also, thanks for the link to Brian’s blog. There goes my Saturday. š
I wish you all the best of luck. I will donate toward your cross-country trip because I am curious to see how you approach it, and because I think it’s one of the most awesome, beautiful, humbling things a cyclist can ever do.
But don’t forget that MANY people ride across the U.S. every year and have been doing so in great numbers since Bike Centennial in 1976. I did it myself in 2008 from California to Georgia. Even though we all love cycling stories, you’ll need a unique angle to get a book published and to convince us you’re not just another aimless young adult doing this because you can’t get a job or you need to “find yourself.”
I don’t meant to sound harsh. I am an aimless young adult with a job, but one I don’t particularly like, and if I could have a career in the cycling world or do nothing but ride my bike and write about it all the time, I’d be the happiest person alive.
Anyway, don’t be offended when people tell you that you don’t live in America b/c you live in NYC. I tell that to my best friend all the time b/c she is from a very white, very wealthy New Hampshire town and never traveled. š But you could say that about a lot of the U.S. Hell, I live in Texas – we have our own unique brand of weird.
Sorry this was so long. Unsolicited advice from a fellow writer/rider. But I do have a punch line: I freelance for a women’s cycling magazine. I would like to interview you about your journey, but I can understand if you’d rather write the story yourself. The magazine is called She Pedals. Dena Eaton is the editor and a professional track cyclist. It’s a small quarterly that is only on its second issue, but I think it’s going to do ok. I know she’d love to have a story from you about your trip, plus tons of photos that would likely be published in large format. Keep the magazine in mind as you near the end of your journey.
Maybe I could interview you right before you leave about your planning and thought processes, and you could write a longer story upon your return. What do you think? Let me know. I can run it by Dena.
Good luck! I will be keeping tabs on you. Go into the great U.S. with an open mind and the wide, wondering eyes of a child. (Are you doing this solo?) Be safe.
Katherine Fuller
Thanks for the support, Katherine. I appreciate it and hope you’ll follow along.
I actually got the first issue of She Pedals – hope it does well. I’m supposed to be writing a piece for someone, so will pass on your offer for now.
Good luck in your freelancing.
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