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Photos Transamerica

Day 53: Rawlins to Sweetwater Station, WY

July 9, 2013
Photos taken on my bicycle ride across America on the Transamerica trail. Day 53, Rawlins to Sweetwater Station, Wyoming.

Day 51: Saratoga, CO to Rawlins, WY

July 5, 2013

RIDE FACTS Date: September 14, 2010From: Walden, COTo: Saratoga, CODistance: 67.33 milesTime: 6:02:50View Garmin Data >

Go to the next day (Photos only) > Day 53: Rawlins to Sweetwater Station

Photos Transamerica

Day 58: Grant Village, WY to West Yellowstone, MT

July 5, 2013
Photos taken on my bicycle ride across America on the Transamerica trail. Day 58, Grant Village in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming to West Yellowstone in Montana.
Photos Transamerica

Day 57: Colter Bay Village to Grant Village, WY

July 5, 2013
Photos taken on my bicycle ride across America on the Transamerica trail. Day 57, Colter Bay Village to Grant Village in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.
Photos Transamerica

Day 56: Dubois to Colter Bay Village, WY

July 5, 2013
Photos taken on my bicycle ride across America on the Transamerica trail. Day 56, Dubois to Colter Bay Village, Wyoming.