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ride reports

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Brevet Asada aka Tour de Taco, 2017

May 5, 2021
The first Tour de Taco, as it was then known, was held in May of 2010. Simple premise: ride to, and eat at, every Super Tacqueria IN THE WORLD.
Epic Rides Uncategorized

DK and the Holy Grail

January 17, 2020
The Gravel Grail signifies that you've finished the DK200 five times. As our Knight of the Round Slayble discovers, getting it is not as easy as it sounds.
Epic Rides Ride Reports

Varying degrees of DK

August 1, 2018
Every year since the first ride report, I’ve debated about whether I needed to do another race report on my Dirty Kanza. Fortunately, every year is different, and every year it still catches me off-guard.
Epic Rides Ride Reports

DK200: Official Testimony

June 17, 2017
There is the truth, and then there are the facts. Sometimes they are very same things. Here is my 2017 Dirty Kanza 200 Ride Report, ala Mr. Comey-style.
Epic Rides Ride Reports

DK200: Ice Sock Fever

June 15, 2016

The storm before the calm
A crack, a flash, the room strobes with light and something outside thumps. I sit up on the foldout bed and see the shadow of…